Saturday, November 12, 2011

DO u know why thor is sucks ????????

like i told u ...thor is really sucks ...i mean , he is a GOD a freakin GOD .but he always get his ass kicked by someone else who actually is not god
Some example here:
Hulk aka bruce banner ,u see thor fought him so many times and always lost ! no matter what ...the hulk always win
Red hulk as well,thor lost against him,luckyly the big red's brain is more under control than the green one which is dumber than the red one that the big red no need to go berserk every single time and smash Thor's ass right away LOL

sorry no hard feeling for thor fans here ....and let the debate BEGIN!!!!!!!


Walt said...

When Stan Lee brought Thor into Marvel he said "How do you make someone stronger than the strongest person? It finally came to me: Don't make him human — make him a god. I decided readers were already pretty familiar with the Greek and Roman gods. It might be fun to delve into the old Norse legends...." Will that is how they started now he is one of the toughest characters in Marvel.

kosmiklove said...

yes hi is tough but he lost so many ties agains the big red and green.... and they both are just Human ! and without his hammer ....thor is nothing ...sorry again for thor fans ,as i told u hard feeling here :)